Structure of the Visual Book (4th Edition)
By Keith Smith
432 pages
This book deals with using book forms to develop and present concepts.
Discusses grouping, sequencing and a series of ways to arrange and orchestrate a book.
From the Author:
The new fourth edition of Structure of the Visual Book has over 450 photographs of artists books from 148 contemporary book artists from around the world.
This instructive guide to the concepts of visual books presents strategies for organizing pictures in the book format. This is a book on concepts, not how to bind.
It is an approach that conceives the book as a visual object not by imposed decoration, but through understanding and applying structure. Group, series and sequence are elaborately discussed and diagrammed.
Composing the book, as well as the pictures it contains, creates pacing in turning pages. Just as poetry and cinema are conceived in time, so is a book.
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