Lovepop Pop-up Card: Hydrangea Butterflies
A laser-cut blue and purple hydrangea rests atop a light green background with two friendly butterflies perched atop its petals. Pink peonies, white daisies, and multicolor butterflies surround the hydrangea in the background, as if we have a top-down view of a charming bouquet. Hydrangeas are known as summer flowers, and symbolize gratitude and understanding.
The cover is a pale pink with a peony flower joined by a bud, two daisies, and a yellow butterfly.
Size: 5" x 7"
Includes a message note and one blank envelope.
About Us
Hiromi Paper, Inc. is devoted to the creation of a greater rapport between Japanese papermakers, printmakers, artists, conservators, designers and bookmakers, while developing new directions and a deeper understanding of Japanese papers or WASHI.
Address: 9469 Jefferson Blvd #117 Culver City, CA 90232
Phone: 310-998-0098