DHM-11 Kozo Large 79x79" (536 g/m²)
Size: 79" x 79"
Weight: 536 g/m²
We worked with Awagami Factory in Tokushima, Japan to develop these special large-sized kozo sheets.
These papers are excellent for painting, drawing and other fine art applications. Made from 60% Thai Kozo and 40% Sulphite Pulp.
*Note: Other colors besides white are available by special order.
Shipping cost varies by order and will be charged once determined, after checkout. Contact us for estimation and delivery times. |
**1/2 A4 Sample size available for purchase here
About Us
Hiromi Paper, Inc. is devoted to the creation of a greater rapport between Japanese papermakers, printmakers, artists, conservators, designers and bookmakers, while developing new directions and a deeper understanding of Japanese papers or WASHI.
Address: 9469 Jefferson Blvd #117 Culver City, CA 90232
Phone: 310-998-0098