Paperwood (Wood Veneer)
Available in 6 different wood types
1-ply (paper backed) or 2-ply (veneer on both sides)
and various sizes.
Each sheet is unique, and overall color and look can differ by the batch.
Real, paper-thin wood veneer.
Acid-free, photo safe and environmentally cut.
Excellent for crafts and collage projects.
Please call for quantity discounts over 100 sheets and special order sizes, wood, and backings.
1-ply (0.015" or 0.381mm) is paperback and stocked in 8.5 x 11" only. Short grain.
2-ply (0.025" or 0.635mm) is double-sided with veneer. Short grain on both sides.
Special instructions in working with the paperwood available by request.
About Us
Hiromi Paper, Inc. is devoted to the creation of a greater rapport between Japanese papermakers, printmakers, artists, conservators, designers and bookmakers, while developing new directions and a deeper understanding of Japanese papers or WASHI.
Address: 9469 Jefferson Blvd #117 Culver City, CA 90232
Phone: 310-998-0098