Non-Adhesive Binding Vol. 1
Non-Adhesive Binding Volume 1
Books Without Paste or Glue
By Keith Smith
352 pages
Demonstrates basic and elaborate bindings constructed without adhesives and requiring no presses or other heavy equipment.
From the Author:
Volume I is not only about how to bind a book, the first part of this text is about developing an approach to binding. Sewing a blank book or rebinding an existing one differs from creating a book of text and/or pictures. Here, binding should not be an afterthought but an integral part of the statement.
Volume I is an introduction to hand binding:
- Paper, grain, folding, cutting, tearing, marking and piercing sewing stations are explained.
- Folding down sections for a varying number of pages is diagrammed, as well as imposition of page numbers.
- Thread, knots and stitches, and simple tools are covered.
PART 2 of the book gives detailed written instructions for 33 simple to complex bindings, (2), (3), (4), (5). The procedures are also presented as 350 drawings, elaborately diagrammed step by step. In addition, this is followed by a condensed outline of the procedures. All sewings require only needle thread and scissors.
PART 3 describes covers, tape supports, interlocking tabs, turns-in and spine-pleats.
PART 4 contains the references, including a Glossary of Terms, Notes, Index of Terms and Reference of Photographic Illustrations.
Volume I has 137 photographic reproductions of bindings by 37 contemporary bookbinders.
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